The Color of Water

Mommys contradictions crashed and slammed against one another like bumper cars at Coney Island. White folks,she felt were implicitly evil toward blacks yet she forced us to go to white schools to get the best education blacks could be trusted more but any

Mommies contradictions crashed and lammed against one another like bumper cars at Coney Island white folks she felt were implicitly evil towards blacks yet she forced us to go to white schools to get the best education blacks could be trusted want anythimommies contradictions crashed and slammed against one another like bumper cars at Coney Island White folks she felt were implicitly evil towards blacks yet she forced us to go to white schools to get the best education blacks could be trusted want but anything involving blacks was probably step standard she's against welfare never applied for despite our need but champ in those hope they have them selves of it do you think these contradictions serve to confuse your children's further I did they somehow contribute to the balanced view of humanity that James McBride possess? 

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Ruth's contradictions initially served to confuse her children, but after James began his quest to truly understand and find out who his mother was, he began to understand why she valued certain things and at what cost.