The Color of Water

Describe James acting out after his stepfather dies (chapter 14)


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When Hunter Jordan died, it took Ruth a long time to recover from her grief. James remembers feeling that "the fire was gone." He was finally the "king" of the house - the eldest - but his grades dropped, and he began spending as much time away from home as possible, joining a band, getting drunk and high with his new friends, and narrowly escaping arrest.

When Hunter Jordan died, it took Ruth a long time to recover from her grief. James remembers feeling that "the fire was gone." He was finally the "king" of the house - the eldest - but his grades dropped, and he began spending as much time away from home as possible, joining a band, getting drunk and high with his new friends, and narrowly escaping arrest

When Hunter Jordan died, it took Ruth a long time to recover from her grief. James remembers feeling that "the fire was gone." He was finally the "king" of the house - the eldest - but his grades dropped, and he began spending as much time away from home as possible, joining a band, getting drunk and high with his new friends, and narrowly escaping arrest.