The Children of Men Themes

The Children of Men Themes


After every human being in on the planet was deemed infertile, the remaining population became extremely dark and grim to the point where they no longer saw a point in continue living and in continuing to make efforts to become a better person. The whole society became depressed and they contemplated wheatear life was worth living or not. Those who chose to remain hopeful were regarded by the rest of the population as being strange and unusual and they were even persecuted by the part of the population that became extremely negative. This attitude also made the population behave in a violent manner since they didn’t believed that it was possible for them to be held accountable for their actions.

Hope for the future

While the vast majority of the population was not seeing any type of hope for the future, there were still some who chose to remain optimistic and hopeful, and who refused to be influenced by the general negative attitude the others had. Those who were still hopeful chose to fight the fate others believed to be unchangeable and believed that even if their generation was going to die, they could at least manifest humanity until the end. Those people were also generally religious and still maintained a religious view of the world, proving that there is a link between believing in something bigger than ourselves and hope.

The need to be powerful

Another theme in the novel analyzes how people are affected and how they change when they are offered a position in which they have influence and control over the others. Generally, those people become violent and abusive, thinking that their power is absolute and that nothing can touch them. Even if they claim to want to change something for the better, once they have the power to do so they focus on satisfying their own selfish needs. This proves that power can be extremely dangerous when it is held by ill-intended people and that is has the power to transform even the purest of motives into something negative.

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