The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

At times father shown as a loving parent and husband. how is that possible given his role as a Notsi officer giving orders to treat people inhumanly?

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In my opinion, many people are capable of being loving spouses or parents while treating others inhumanely. Nazi ideology targeted specific groups of people. The father most definitely participated in atrocities beyond our comprehension.... but he was able to compartmentalize his actions.... separating his personal life from his position in the Nazi regime.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

It is possible for Bruno’s father to still treat his own family humanely when he is so cruel to Jews all day long because he does not associate the two as being similar. To him, Jews are hardly even people. They are treated worse than animals at Auschwitz, and their existence is hated so badly by the Nazis. On the other hand, Nazi German families like his own are considered far superior, and with this line of thinking in his mind, it would be easy to treat one race with love and respect and the other with hatred and cruelty. Also, his fatherly front is in some ways an act that Bruno’s father puts on so that people in his home life don’t think of him badly, and especially to protect the children’s innocent eyes from seeing the true horror of war.


Boy In Striped Pyjamas