The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

The Boy in Striped Pajamas. The New House

Why do you think Bruno felt he was about to cry even though he was with his family?

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Bruno was reacting to his own feelings about the move, as well as the tension he could see in Maria. Her admonishment to keep himself busy and do as he was told alarmed him..... her reference to staying safe added to the mix. Bruno is confused, but he doesn't understand why. Maria's reaction, in addition to his own feelings, found him on the brink of tears.

'Well,' he muttered, standing up now and heading over towards the door, suddenly anxious to be away from her, 'I was only saying I didn't like it here, that's all. I was just making conversation while you put the clothes away. It's not like I'm
planning on running away or anything. Although if I did I don't think anyone could criticize me for it.'

'And worry your mother and father half to death?' asked Maria. 'Bruno, if you have any sense at all, you will stay quiet and concentrate on your school work and do whatever your father tells you. We must all just keep ourselves safe until this is all over. That's what I intend to do anyway. What more can we do than
that after all? It's not up to us to change things.'

Suddenly, and for no reason that he could think of, Bruno felt an overwhelming urge to cry. It surprised even him and he blinked a few times very quickly so that Maria wouldn't see how he felt. Although when he caught her eye again he thought that perhaps there must be something strange in the air that day because her eyes looked as if they were filling with tears too.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, pg. 66