The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

From the book, "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas": 'We are all slaves to our surroundings.' With this thought in mind, explain how Bruno's life changed from shifting to Auschwitz from Berlin

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During the brief time we see Bruno living in Berlin, there are certain things about his life that satnd out above all others. We immediately know that Bruno's life is free and happy...... he runs in the streets, plays with his friends, goes to school, and obviously lives in a beautiful home where his every need is seen to. The move to Auschwitz changes everything. There are no friends, no freedoms, no ability to run free. There is no school..... there are no classmates...... merely a tutor and his sister. His mother is unhappy, his father locks himself away, and he is surrounded by secrets and all of the things he isn't allowed to do.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas