The Book Thief

Railway Station

What appears to be the situation described in the chapter "Beside the Railway Line"?

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In Beside the Railway Line, a train is blocked by snow, and a child has died. The mother and her daughter refuse to leave the corpse.

They couldn’t just leave him on the ground. For now, it wasn’t such a problem, but very soon, the track ahead would be cleared and the train would need to move on.
There were two guards.
There was one mother and her daughter.
One corpse.
The mother, the girl, and the corpse remained stubborn and silent.
“Well, what else do you want me to do?”
The guards were tall and short. The tall one always spoke first, though he was not in charge. He looked at the smaller, rounder one. The one with the juicy red face.
“Well,” was the response, “we can’t just leave them like this, can we?”
The tall one was losing patience. “Why not?”


The Book Thief