The Beautiful Struggle Literary Elements

The Beautiful Struggle Literary Elements


Memoir, novel, biography

Setting and Context

The events in the story took place in Western Baltimore, the USA

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narration

Tone and Mood

In story prevails philosophic tone, sometimes violent and even high spiritual

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist of the story is Ta-Nehisi, and the antagonist is his society, bad boys who influenced him negatively

Major Conflict

The major conflict stands in contradiction between Ta-Nehisi’s desire to move forward and reach better and social and historical obstacles around him


The climax happens when the boy enters college


The time period, depicted in the story, foreshadows serious inner struggle of a person with different obstacles in his life way


The importance of social environment in the process of self developing is understated in the story


The story alludes to history period of 1980’s, the era of hip hop and street bands


See the imagery section


The paradox of the story is that struggle, which is considered as something hard and exhausting can also be something beautiful as well


The story has parallels with cultural contrasts, social stereotypes, and life choices

Metonymy and Synecdoche

The author uses metonymy and synecdoche to highlight the unique character of the utterance: “dull taint of colonial power”, “stew of language”


The author uses personification dramatizing the effect of the utterance: “Van Halen hair waving in the wind”.

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