The Babees Book Background

The Babees Book Background

Written by Frederick James Furnivall, The Babees' Book was originally published in 1908 by London Chatto and Windus. Reproduced copies are also available. This is an instructional book meant to inform its readers of Medieval etiquette. Specifically, it's geared toward children and youth, stating how one should behave inside and outside the home.

An Internet Archive review suggests that the book is not Medieval; instead, most of the advice is based on the Renaissance period. Yet this is up for debate. The review also suggests that The Babees' Book is great for both high-status people and regular folks.

Furnivall was an English philologist and one of the co-creators of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). His most notable contribution to English literature was his parallel text version of the Canterbury Tales. Furthermore, he was a founder and professor at the London Working Men's College.

"The Babees Book," compiled and edited by Frederick James Furnivall, is a fascinating medieval manuscript that offers a window into the manners and customs of the Middle Ages. Originally published in 1868, Furnivall's work brings together a collection of diverse texts, including instructional poems, rules of courtesy, and moral guidance written for the education of young people in medieval England. As an esteemed philologist and medievalist, Furnivall's dedication to preserving and deciphering historical texts is evident in this compilation, shedding light on the social and cultural norms of a bygone era.

The compilation covers a range of topics, providing insights into the daily lives of medieval children and adolescents. With a focus on etiquette, moral conduct, and educational guidance, "The Babees Book" serves as a valuable resource for scholars and enthusiasts interested in understanding the societal norms and educational practices prevalent during the medieval period. Furnivall's meticulous editing and annotation enhance the accessibility of these medieval texts, making them not only historically significant but also engaging for contemporary readers interested in the roots of English literature and culture.

In addition to its historical significance, "The Babees Book" stands as a testament to Furnivall's pioneering efforts in the preservation and dissemination of medieval literature. His work has contributed to the broader understanding of medieval culture, offering a rich tapestry of knowledge that transcends time and remains a valuable resource for those seeking to explore the intricacies of medieval life and education.

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