The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

What is the character traits of Sherlock Holmes?

Sherlock Holmes goes to the college to do research Holmes is curious and enjoys learning

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Holmes's chief characteristic and his most useful trait is his cold, calculating mind and his method of deduction. He is able to devise theories to explain crimes with the smallest amount of evidence. He, as he constantly tells Watson, sees what other do not see. He believes that the details of a case are all important and he will often question a client about the most, seemingly, irrelevant detail of their account.

Happiest and most contented when on the track of a criminal or when trying to solve a tricky case, Holmes becomes agitated when his mind is not occupied with some tough problem. He habitually injects cocaine ot improve his moods in the downtimes and also uses Morphine somewhat frequently. Both of these drugs were legal in England at the time of these stories. He smokes a pipe and loves music, even going so far as to play the violin after he has solved an important case or when he is thinking.