The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

In what ways are people gullible?

In these chapters Twain satirizes the gullibility of the townspeople who believe an imposter like the king, but, ironically, do not believe Dr. Robinson. Compare the gullibility of the townspeople to people in today’s world. In what ways are people gullible? What makes them gullible? Explain your answer WITH DETAILS IN DEPT.

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I think people are still gullible, just in a different context. In Huck's time people and places were fairly isolated. Stories took on a life of their own simply because people used their imaginations and wanted to believe to a certain extent. Today mass media bombards us with pop culture all the time. Many people believe these so called "reality shows" on television because, like the townspeople in Huck Finn, they want to believe. These shows often don't have the slightest reality to them yet they become part of many people’s own reality. It's really quite scary.

The people in the town were easily tricked because they never really seemed to have a reason to not believe the King and the Duke. People during that time didn't travel that much and lived in their hometown. They didn't get much fun around because they were so used to the life they were living. When they met someone that was from outside of their comfort zone they were more of amazed by them. People are gullible because they trick their mind into believing the stuff that might be totally obviously not true, all because they want that adventure. They are gullible because they are easily fooled and don't quite see the truth and are in their own fantasy life.


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