The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Hucks mind was pulled in conflicting directions by compelling desires and explain how this conflict with one character illuminates the meaning as a whole


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At first I was inclined to examine Huck's relationship with Jim but really Huck never had a conflict with Jim. I think Mary Jane Wilks would work well for your question. Although Huck was supposed to be helping the King and Duke steal from the Wilks family inheritance, Huck finds himself falling in love with the eldest daughter of the deceased George Wilks, Mary Jane. She becomes convinced that the King is her real uncle and not a fraud until Huck tells her the truth. Huck begins to realize that the Duke and King aren't merely charlatans, they really cause suffering. Huck is developing his own moral code by now. It is a code that puts greater value on innocent people than desires for the adventure of stealing money.

At first I was inclined to examine Huck's relationship with Jim but really Huck never had a conflict with Jim. I think Mary Jane Wilks would work well for your question. Although Huck was supposed to be helping the King and Duke steal from the Wilks family inheritance, Huck finds himself falling in love with the eldest daughter of the deceased George Wilks, Mary Jane. She becomes convinced that the King is her real uncle and not a fraud until Huck tells her the truth. Huck begins to realize that the Duke and King aren't merely charlatans, they really cause suffering. Huck is developing his own moral code by now. It is a code that puts greater value on innocent people than desires for the adventure of stealing money.


Huckle berry finn