The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

How does the author's depiction of Jim's character and actions reveal Twain's own attitude toward African-Americans? Analyze both literary style and literary devices.

Is it ironic that he like Jim?

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Twain's attitude toward slavery and racism is that he is against it. How you can tell is by examining how his characters react to the other characters in the novel who support slavery and who are racist. I am thinking of that chapter where Huck stays with the Grangerford's. It is such a funny chapter because it really shows Twain's attitude toward those people who supported slavery and racism. He portrays the Grangerford's and the Sheperdson's are really stupid white people who haven't got a clue about why they believe the things they do. They act in ways that support fighting and slavery but they cannot explain why. And, even when they are asked to explain their actions, they don't even take that as an opportunity to re-think their actions or beliefs. Instead, they just blindly follow the social rules and habits of their ancestors. This says a lot about what Twain thinks about slavery. He sees most people to be more like the Grangerford's and Sheperdson's than unlike them.There have been critical texts galore written about this topic. I would suggest reading books and essays by Shelley Fisher Fishkin, R. Kent Rasmussen, Henry Nash Smith, and others. There is also the Annotated Huckleberry Finn edited by Michael Patrick Hearn that has more information on this topic.
