The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

how does hick feel about the prank tom plays on jim

in chapter 2 tom plays a joke on Jim how did hick feel about that prank

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On their way into the woods Tom and Huck make some noises. Jim comes out to investigate but falls asleep. Tom takes Jim's hat and places it on the branch above him. When Jim awakes he tells people that he was visited by witches who rode him all around the world. Huck feels bad for Jim, he doesn't feel it was that funny.

On their way into the woods Tom and Huck make some noises. Jim comes out to investigate but falls asleep. Tom takes Jim's hat and places it on the branch above him. When Jim awakes he tells people that he was visited by witches who rode him all around the world. Huck feels bad for Jim, he doesn't feel it was that funny.
