The Adventure of the Yellow Face

Meaning of the mask in The Adventure of the Yellow Face?

look at the image of the mask.identify strategies for interpreting what such an image could symbolize and apply a few. how does the image connect to the major conflicts or ideas of the stor

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The yellow mask is intended to "mask" a child's face, to hide an identity, and to stop gossip..... something it only provokes. The mask itself is a symbol of fear and racism.... a mother who does not wish to expose her own child, the fear of what will happen if her marriage to a black man becomes public, and the fear Effie has of losing her husband. The mask itself is ugly.... it hides the beauty of the child, and it separates the little girl from what could be family. It is a hideous mask that attempts to cover the fear, as well as the mistrust. In the end, Grant is appalled by the mask and completely accepting of Lucy.


The Adventure of the Yellow Face