The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The descriptions of his sister and his interest in geometry are fairly vivid, but are eclipsed by his shock and dismay of finding out that his geometry book had once belonged to his own mother. What disturbed him about this? What are the implications ab-

Junior is good about weaving information about life and hopelessness on the reservation as he espouses his teen -age viewpoints. The descriptions of his sister and his interest in geometry are fairly vivid, but are eclipsed by his shock and dismay of finding out that his geometry book had once belonged to his own mother. What disturbed him about this? What are the implications about this book , as regards his life?

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Junior is so upset that he is having to use a text book that is so old that his nother had once used it. His school is so poor that they have to use ancient text books. Junior wants a better education!