The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

I need help with this question, can you help me with this please.

Consider the role that adults play in this book. Select any two characters who are adults in this story. Explain a little about the character and then also tell what role the character played. Why was this person important? How did the adult and his/her actions shape those around him/her?

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Grandmother Spirit is Junior’s maternal grandmother. She is wise, independent, and tolerant, and Junior calls her his "favorite person in the world." She is famous across many reservations because she attends powwows all over the country. Grandmother Spirit refrains from drinking alcohol because of what it has done to so many of her tribespeople. In a tragic but ironic twist, she ides after being hit by a drunk driver. Nevertheless, Grandmother Spirit's last request is for her family to forgive her killer. To Arnold, his grandmother represents everything that is good about being native.

Mr. P. is Junior’s geometry teacher at Wellpinit High School. Junior accidentally hits him in the face when he throws his geometry book in frustration. Instead of chastising Junior, though, Mr. P. apologizes. He feels bad that white teachers like him have been systematically trying to crush Indian culture. He assures Junior that he has potential and pushes him to leave the reservation and pursue his dreams. Mr. P sees promise in Junior and truly wants him to succeed.