The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

How does Junior react to Mary’s death? Why does he have this reaction?Chapters 26 – 27 (pages 197 – 213)

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Junior didn't quite know how to react.... all he wanted to do was get away. He didn't want to wait Miss Warren, he didn't want her to feel sorry, for him, and he didn't want to hear he was vulnerable.... he just wanted to go outside and be alone. Even to the point where he uncharacteristically cursed at her.

I was a reservation Indian attending an all-white school and my sister had just died some horrible death. I was the most vulnerable kid in the United States. Miss Warren was obviously trying to win the Captain Obvious Award.

"I'm waiting outside," I said.

"I'll wait with you," she said.

"Kiss my ass," I said and ran.

Miss Warren tried to run after me. But she was wearing heels and she was crying and she was absolutely freaked out by my reaction to the bad news. By my cursing. She was nice. Too nice to deal with death. So she just ran a few feet before she stopped and slumped against the wall.


The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian