Thackeray's Selected Shorter Writings Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Thackeray's Selected Shorter Writings Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Letters - “Our Street”

Thackeray denunciantes Mrs. Cammysole of repulsively peeping into his letters: “You have been reading all my letters, papers, manuscripts, brouillons of verses, inchoate articles for the Morning Post and Morning Chronicle, invitations to dinner and tea--all my family letters, all Eliza Townley's letters, from the first, in which she declared that to be the bride of her beloved Michelagnolo was the fondest wish of her maiden heart, to the last, in which she announced that her Thomas was the best of husbands, and signed herself "Eliza Slogger;" all Mary Farmer's letters, all Emily Delamere's; all that poor foolish old Miss MacWhirter's, whom I would as soon marry.” The letters personify Thackeray’s private interactions because they are from his sympathetic contacts. Mrs. Cammysole underhandedly pries into Thackeray’s innermost socializations, which the letters exemplify, as if she were Thackeray’s intimate associate which is an uncultured wont.

Badness - “On Being Found Out”

Thackeray elaborates, “To fancy all men found out and punished is bad enough; but imagine all the women found out in the distinguished social circle in which you and I have the honor to move. Is it not a mercy that a many of these fair criminals remain unpunished and undiscovered! There is Mrs. Longbow, who is forever practicing, and who shoots poisoned arrows, too; when you meet her you don't call her liar, and charge her with the wickedness she has done and is doing. There is Mrs. Painter, who passes for a most respectable woman, and a model in society. There is no use in saying what you really know regarding her and her goings on.” Thackeray cites feminine corollaries to underscore the repercussion of ‘being found out’ on womanly repute. Hence, “being found out” is correspondingly objectionable for womenfolk based on Thackeray’s instances which intimate that the cited females are difficult in divergent praxes of deviousness and malice. Therefore, ‘being found out’ unflatteringly transcends gender, so no gender should cheer when the other is affronted through deleterious publicity. ‘Badness’ should be utterly obscured to curtail the probabilities of disclosure.

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