Thackeray's Selected Shorter Writings Literary Elements

Thackeray's Selected Shorter Writings Literary Elements


Short writings and Anecdotes.

Setting and Context

“Our Street” takes place at Waddilove Street in 1837. “On Being Found Out” is set in a school and other non-specified settings.

Narrator and Point of View

Thackeray narrates the works using first-person voice.

Tone and Mood

“Our Street”: Humorous and censorious.

“On Being Found Out”: Mortifying, empathetic.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Our Street: Thackeray (protagonist) and Mrs. Cammysole (antagonist). “On Being Found Out”: Schoolboys including Thackeray (Protagonists), Mr. Wiseacre (antagonist).

Major Conflict

"Our Street": Mrs. Cammysole's intrusive and annoying behavior.

“On Being Found Out”: Being busted after a particular engagement and getting punished.


“Our Street”: Thackeray’s discovery of Mrs. Cammysole’s indiscretions and misdeeds.

“On Being Found Out”: Mr. Wiseacre’s ability to unravel the school boys’ secret excursions.


"Our Street": Thackeray predicts that Mrs. Cammysole would be shocked about the confession he makes regarding her behavior.

“On Being Found Out”: Thackeray defines vivid reactions on what would ensue if respectable people were “found out.”




“Our Street”: Thackeray employs religious allusions.

“On Being Found Out”: Allusions to ethics.


“Our Street”: Thackeray sketches all the things which Mrs. Cammysole does like an investigative officer. Mrs. Cammysole is not conscious of Thackeray's observations because she thinks that she is inconspicuous.

“On Being Found Out”: Thackeray offers examples that highlight inherent imperfections of humanity, which are better off if not found.


“Our Street”: Thackeray refers to Mrs. Cammysole as a lady, yet her behavior is not in line with the behaviors of ideal ladies.

“On Being Found Out”: Honourable women and clergymen are involved in immoral and disgraceful deeds.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

“Our Street”: Heavens represent God.

“On Being Found Out”: coram populo denotes a public locale.


“Our Street”: The lion is personified in "The Lion of the Street," where Clarence Bulbul is equated to “Lion of our Street.”

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