Thackeray's Selected Shorter Writings Characters

Thackeray's Selected Shorter Writings Character List

William Makepeace Thackeray - “Our Street”

Thackeray is the narrator who exploits a vigilant eagle’s vantage point to tangibly critique and explicate the happenings in ‘their’ house and street on the whole.

Mrs. Cammysole - “Our Street”

Mrs. Cammysole is Thackeray’s snooping landlady who is unconscious of Thackeray’s sentience of her wonted nuisances.

Queen Anne - “On Being Found Out”

Queen Anne’s exacting reign bids the distinctive time setting for “On Being Found Out.”

The Narrator - “On Being Found Out”

Thackeray recounts his boyhood ordeal, in conjunction with other school boys, at the hands of a “wiseacre master.”

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