Tess of the D'Urbervilles

6, Should Angel's wife be educated, like Mercy Chant, or should he choose "a wife from nature, not from civilization"?

1, Ought Angel to marry Tess?

2, What would Angel's mother and brothers say, if he married her/

3, What would Angel himself say two years after the wedding?

4, What sort of wife does a farmer need? (Angel)

5, What is the advantage of marrying a " lady", a girl of good family?(Angel)

6, Should Angel's wife be educated, like Mercy Chant, or should he choose "a wife from nature, not from civilization"?

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Angel would seem to prefer a wife that is from nature. Initially he is drawn to Tess. He likes her complexity and natural qualities. Angel, however, turns out to have the same complex as many men did at that time. The Madonna/hoer complex makes Angel look shallow and not worthy of Tess's devotion. As soon as he finds out that Tess was raped, she becomes a "different person" to him. She is stained and thus not the illusion he had loved. Ironically he willingly cheated on her. So I guess Mercy Chant might have been spared the humiliation that poor Tess endured. This, in the end, might have been a better match.