
Write a speech explaining how lightning is formed and guidelines for athletes and fans to avoid injury from lightning.

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3.Write a speech explaining how lightning is formed and guidelines for athletes and fans to avoid injury from lightning.

*A Speech on explaining on how lightning is formed….

Lightning is caused by electric charges releasing energy. When the denser (positive charges) go to the top of the cloud, the less dense (negative charges) go to the bottom. This creates an electric imbalance of charges. In the ground, the negative charges are pushed away because the positive charges are attracted to the negative charges at the bottom of the cloud. If an object is in the way the lightning does what it has to to get to the ground, so it will get there faster. When the lightning is discharged you only glimpse it for a second until it disappears. It can travel 75 m/sec, so even though it creates light it is a release of energy so it doesn't travel at the speed of light.

A Guidline for athletes and fans to avoid injury from lightning….

When caught in a thunderstorm without availability or time to reach safe structures, you can minimize the risk of lightning-related injury by following a few basic guidelines: ·

* Avoid being the highest object. Seek a thick grove of small trees or bushes surrounded by a dry ditch. ·

* Avoid contact with anything that would be attractive to lightning.

* Stay away from freestanding trees, poles, antennas, towers, bleachers, baseball dugouts, metal fences, standing pools of water and golf carts.

* Crouch down with legs together, the weight on the balls of the feet, arms wrapped around knees, and head down with ears covered.



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