
Why does Paul choose to tell the police all the information?

Why does Paul choose to tell the police all the information?

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Paul tells the police everything because it is the truth..... and someone needs to tell the truth. He wanted to be free.... to be himself, and to be free of Erik.

I started with the basic facts, a paragraph or two, but I couldn't stop there. I had too much to say. I started writing about Luis, and what he meant to the people around him, and how they depended on him, and why they looked up to him. Then I tried to write the same thing about Erik: What did he mean to the people around him? How did they depend on him? Why did they look up to him?

I don't suppose the police are interested in all of that. That's not their job. But it's a part of the truth. A big part. And as Antoine Thomas told me, "The truth shall set you free."

