
What does Antoine tell his sister when he emerges from Mr. Donnelleys house

What does Antoine tell his sister when he emerges from Mr. Donnelleys house

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Dec. 2 Joey calls Paul to tell him that Betty Bright’s car is parked outside of Mr. Donnelly’s house. Paul runs over and sees Shandra in Betty’s car. Shandra tells Paul that Betty and Antoine have gone in to tell Mr. Donnelly about the fact that Antoine lives in Tangerine but plays for Lake Windsor. Antoine doesn’t want to lie anymore. He wants to be loyal to his community. He also wants Shandra not to have to hide her name anymore. Betty and Antoine come out of the house. They tell Paul that Mr. Donnelly is going to run the story tomorrow. Antoine tells Paul that it’s time to start telling the truth. This idea thrills Paul. He goes home; his parents tell him that they’re having an important meeting at the house tomorrow and they want him to be there too.