

On page 268, is Paul right to tell his father that the issue is his father's eyesight? Is Paul the only one who sees things clearly? In what ways are Paul's parents blind? Is his mother still blind to Erik even after she discovers the jewelry he has stolen? Are Paul's friends at Tangerine Middle School blind? What about Joey? Is Erik blind or does he clearly see the choices he is making?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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At this point in the novel, Paul's father has definitely proven himself blind to everything but his own dreams. Someone had to point out his refusal to see beyond his own dreams, and I applaud Paul for being the one to do it, especially considering what Paul has been through. "Not my son (daughter)", is an oft repreated phrase, as parents are often unable to see their own childrens faults. Sadly, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher refuse to see what is right before their eyes. Erik, on the other hand, knows exactly what he is doing.... in my opinion.

