
How is the meeting handled about the stolen items?

How is the meeting handled about the stolen items?

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During the meeting, Paul's mother demanded that Erik enter the room where the meeting was being held, after which, she read off a number of items that were found in a gym bag in their (the Fishers) storage bin.

Mom picked up her notebook, opened it, and started to speak in an even, formal voice. "On behalf of the Bauer family and the Fisher family, I want to thank you for coming. It is my duty to inform all of you of the following." She looked down at her notes and read: "On November twenty-second, I made a shocking discovery. While out at our storage bin, searching for boxes of winter clothing, I found a gym bag that did not belong there. When I opened this gym bag, I found a U.S. Army gas mask, a pair of rubber gloves, and a plastic supermarket bag filled with diamond earrings, watches, gold rings, and many other types of precious jewelry."

