
erik and the fishers

Why do Paul's parents finally admit that Erik has done something wrong when Mrs. Fisher discovers the stolen items in the storage unit?'

What is it about that crime that makes it worse for them than his partially blinding Paul? What does the way they try to deal with it tell you about their values? Why does Mr. Fisher, who was so obsessed with Erik, suddenly start acting like he doesn't really care what happens to him, once he finds out he was involved in someone's death? Did he ever really love him? Does he really love Paul?

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Paul's parents come to a long-awaited epiphany when they see Erik's stolen goods: their son is a thief and a liar. Erik is also a sociopath. They realize they have also been lying to Paul all these years about how he damaged his eyesight. Their flimsy excuse about staring into the sun is beginning to wear thin. Paul's parents finally decide to tell Paul the truth. They still enable Erik but at least they are starting to see Erik for the disturbed boy that he is.

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