
Sweat Metaphors and Similes

Extinguishing of the Eye by the River Jordan (Metaphor)

"... she waited in the growing heat while inside she knew the cold river was creeping up and up to extinguish that eye which must know by now that she knew." (1030)

This passage describes in metaphorical language Sykes' slow death by snake bite. The gradual nature of his dying is expressed by the metaphor of the River Jordan, which symbolizes deliverance, "creeping up" to "extinguish that eye," a metaphor for Sykes himself.

Delia's Retort to Sykes (Simile)

"Yo' ole black hide don't look lak nothin' tuh me, but uh passle uh wrinkled up rubber, wid yo' big ole yeahs flappin' on each side lak uh paih uh buzzard wings." (1027)

Delia responds to Sykes' critique of her with a critique of her own that utilizes a number of similes. She describes him as looking to her like wrinkled up rubber, with his ears flapping at the side of his head like a pair of buzzard's wings.

The Snake's Fangs (Simile)

"One day as Delia came down the kitchen steps she saw his chalky-white fangs curved like scimitars hung in the wire meshes." (1027)

The snake's fangs are described using a simile as being like scimitars, a kind of short sword with a curved blade. This both describes the shape of the fangs but also communicates their status as a dangerous weapon.

Tension between Delia and Sykes (Metaphor)

"Two or three times Delia had attempted a timid friendliness, but she was repulsed each time. It was plain that the breaches must remain agape." (1026)

The conflict between Delia and Sykes is described as a kind of war, and this is continued by the metaphor of "breaches," which in this context refers to a gap in a barrier or defense, particularly one made by an attacking army. Sykes refuses to make peace, and so the gaps must remain open.

Unflattering Description of Bertha (Simile)

"She don't look lak a thing but a hunk uh liver wid hair on it." (1025)

This extremely unflattering simile is used to describe Bertha, Sykes' mistress. The men on the porch describe her as looking no better than a piece of liver with some hair on it.