Super Size Me

What do you believe are the biggest factors that contributed to Morgan’s poor health in this film (eating McDonalds is not a valid response)? Please explain in detail.

What do you believe are the biggest factors that contributed to Morgan’s poor health in this film (eating McDonalds is not a valid response)? Please explain in detail.

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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One of the themes of the film is food addiction; the premise is that fast food is actually addictive because after eating it for a little while, going without it creates cravings and physical responses much like those side-effects created in people addicted to nicotine who feel terrible between cigarettes. The theme is developed by tracing Spurlock's feelings of pain and his lethargy and headaches and showing that hear feelings and symptoms are directly related to his addiction to fast food.


Super Size Me, GradeSaver