Summerland Quotes


“That's why baseball is more like life than other games. Sometimes I feel like that's all I do in life, keep track of my errors.”

Mr. Feld

The narrative explores the game of baseball as a metaphor for life since the aspects of the sport reflect the human experience. Ethan’s father teaches his son the game intending to instill significant values such as patience, collaboration, and resilience. The assertion is a life lesson his father conveys regarding how the sport tallies errors, unlike other sports. In that, the game takes to account everything even errors in the manner life is an assortment of our triumphs and mistakes.

“Some things that are invisible and untouchable can nevertheless be seen and felt.”


The story is set in a multi-dimensional world that the protagonist explores with the help of Cutbelly. Therefore, the assertion is Ethan grasping the concept of the Summerlands which acts as symbolism in the narrative. In that, certain facets of life significantly impact our lives emotionally and psychologically without being tangible. To explain the Summerlands Cutbelly compares the elements of the alternative universe with the concept of love or affection.

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