Sultana's Dream

Summary on Ladyland

1) Describe ‘Ladyland' in the short story ‘Sultana's Dream'. How is it different from the world to which Sultana actually belongs?

2) Why Sultana's Dream is referred to as a science fiction? How has Rokeya, the writer, Incorporated the elements of science fiction into her story?

3) How has the theme of gender role reversal dealt by Rokeya in Sultana's Dream? Is Sultana's Dream a feminist text?

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The novel portrays Ladyland a world in which women rule the world and men are the subordinate beings. Women control all aspects and are aided by new technology such as flying cars and solar energy in order to help maintain their rule. The novel details the daily lives of these women, which consists of a two hour work day, and goes on to display the advances made by women in a solely female dominated society. This society is in stark contrast to the patriarchal abusive culture she is used to.

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