Stoner Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the role of the family in Stoner’s life?

    Family plays a critical role in shaping Stoner's life. Stoner is brought up in a united family and dedicated to ensuring that children get the best in life. However, the only challenge is that Stoner's family wants to dictate everything in his life, including what he has to do for a living. For instance, Stoner's family persuades him to be a farmer, just like other family members. Things take a drastic turn when Stoner meets his professor, who encourages him to join the literature and authorship family.

  2. 2

    Are Edith and Stoner compatible?

    The love between Edith and Stoner is short-lived because of their existing inaptness. Stoner gets married to Edith, not because of love but because he wants company. Consequently, Edith and Stoner's union is not based on love but as a shortcut for Stoner to solve his family problems. With time, Stoner starts to hate Edith because he feels that he is not getting enough love from her. Edith is also finding it hard to reciprocate her love for Stoner because she thinks they are not compatible. As a result, Stoner starts having an extramarital affair with Katherine without the knowledge of Edith.

  3. 3

    What is the emblematic meaning of the character, Edith?

    Edith figuratively represents the challenges that married couples go through. Edith is married to Stoner, but the two are not together because of love but for convenience. Stoner wants Edith to replace the gap in his life that is left by his parents. On the other hand, Edith thinks that she is forced to be in this marriage, and she does not show her love for stone. Edith envies her daughter because she loves Stoner than her. The author is trying to show the reader that marriage is not a roses bed because what the couples go through is hidden behind the scenes as they portray a smiling face.

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