Steppenwolf Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Who was the steppenwolf and what is his importance in the story's context?

    Steppenwolf is the title of the story as well as the protagonist of the novel. The novel is an autobiographical account of the author, Harry Haller. The man was struggling with the internal conflict and he considers himself both a man and a wolf because he was not able to suppress the animal instincts. The human and animal sides were in constant battle and Harry was suffering from psychological issues. He was a man different from his surroundings and he couldn't get along with people around him. The title describes his personality precisely I.e Steppen and Wolf.

  2. 2

    How does the narrator spend his day?

    Harry remains homesick or wanders in the city. He was not at peace with himself so his routine life was unusual. He gets up at noon and engrossed himself in books. He doesn't have any other past time except reading or painting. He seems to be a creature from some other world because of his strange manners. Steppenwolf was afraid of death but he wanted to leave this world so he keeps himself busy in books instead of people.

  3. 3

    Where does Steppenwolf meet Hermine?

    He meets Hermine in a restaurant named as "Black Eagle." She was also lonely like Harry but she was more practical and wise. She changes the course of Harry's life and they gets indulge in a relationship. Hermine brings colors in Harry's disturbed life and introduces him to the life of restaurants, clubs and her friends.

  4. 4

    What is the understatement in the novel?

    The understatement in the novel is that humans are round characters. Their personalities keep on oscillating between good and bad. We cannot describe others as merely sinners or virtuous beings because a Saint can become a sinner and a sinner might turn into a Saint. There are thousands and thousands shades of human personality. They have an animal side as well and some people succeed in suppressing it while others keep on fighting with their animal instincts.

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