Spellbound Characters

Spellbound Character List

Calin Farrell

Calin Farrell is the ancestor of Calin of Farrell. Calin is a famous photographer who has been haunted by dreams of a warrior. When he was young, he had similar dreams of a red-haired girl. His parents took him to a therapist and he blocked his mind from these dreams. The dreams have now returned and Calin feels a need to visit Ireland, the land of his ancestors. There he feels compelled to a castle where he finds a red-haired woman who acts as if she knows him. She tells him that their ancestors were lovers and that they are connected by the spell Bryna the Wise cast a thousand years ago. Only their love can save Bryna from servitude to an evil sorcerer. Calin does not believe her. He blocked the dreams years ago because he wanted to be normal. He, however, cannot block the feelings he has for Bryna and these eventually make him see the truth in time to fight for the woman he loves.

Bryna Torrence

Bryna Torrence is the ancestor of Bryna the Wise. She has known all her life that she has a connection to Calin Farrell and that their love will save her from servitude to the sorcerer, Alasdair. She enters Calin’s dreams to communicate with him. He was susceptive to this when he was a child, but closed himself off as he grew older. Bryna took this as a slight and has not attempted contact until close to the day when her ancestor’s spell will end and only Calin’s proclaiming his love for her will save her from Alasdair. Her pride almost losses her everything as she races to convince Calin of their connection and to save them both from Alasdair.


Alasdair is a sorcerer. He wants power and will do anything to get it. He also wants Bryna and the power she possesses. He killed Calin’s ancestor, Calin of Farrell, to obtain Bryna, but was thwarted by the spell she cast. He has waited a thousand years to possess Bryna and will use any means necessary to keep Bryna and Calin apart.

John Farrell

John Farrell is Calin’s father. He worries about his son. Calin’s obvious lack of sleep makes it apparent that he is under stress and his parents can tell.They worry that he will have a mental breakdown as he did as a child.

Sylvia Farrell

Sylvia Farrell is Calin’s mother. She worries about him. She feels he works to hard and needs a vacation.She worries for her son's mental health.


Hecate is Bryna’s familiar. He appears in the appearance of a cat. He also changes to a white stag to lead Calin away from the castle for Bryna.

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