Specimen Days Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Specimen Days Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The symbol of grass

The leaves of grass appear in the three stories of 'Specimen Days' to symbolize death's reality. According to Walt, dead people turn into the grass after they are buried. The grass is used figuratively in this context because it represents the dead's presence among the living. Grass dies and resurrects, implying that the spirit of the dead remains with the living. The author writes, "Walt said that the dead turned into grass, but there was no grass where they had buried Simon.”

The symbol of heaven

‘Heaven is rampantly mentioned in the section ‘The Machine’ to represent eternity and a place for the holy and acceptable people like Simon. The author writes, “Catherine believed Simon had gone to heaven. Heaven is the place for him. He was too good for this world.”

The symbol of empty plates and a ham

The empty plates symbolize the hopelessness and emptiness of life that awaits Catherine after the death of her fiancé. The author writes, “It was only Lucas and Catherine in the Parlor, with what had been left behind. Empty plates, the rind of a ham. The ham had been meant for Catherine’s and Simon’s wedding.” Simon and Catherine are scheduled to wed in a week, but here he dies! The life ahead for Catherine is filled with darkness.

Walt’s Book

Lucas has two options in his life after the death of his brother Simon. He should choose between continuing with his education or take the place of his late brother's job. Lucas looks at the responsibilities around him and decides to work to support his parents. However, Lucas is hopeful that he no longer needs education because he has Walt's book, which symbolizes his success. When Catherine asks Lucas if he will continue with his education, Lucas replies, "I don’t need school. I have Walt’s book.”

The Bowl (Symbol)

The reader realizes that the bowl is a persistent image throughout the book, symbolizing love and interpersonal connection. Before the death of Simon, the author hints that Catherine is fond of Lucas. The closeness between Lucas and Catherine even increases after Simon dies. Lucas secretly gifts Catherine with a bowl as a sign of his love for her.

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