Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

12. What, according to the Green Knight, did Sir Gawain lack? Why doesn't the Green Knight blame or judge Gawain harshly for that failure? 13. Who sent the wife to seduce Gawain, according to the


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According to the Green Knight, Sir Gawain lacked loyalty.

But in this you lacked, sir, a little, and of loyalty came short.

The host sent his wife to Gawain.

The other trial for the morning, man, I thee tendered
when thou kissedst my comely wife, and the kisses didst render.

Now I am aware of thy kisses, and thy courteous ways, 2360
and of thy wooing by my wife: I worked that myself!
I sent her to test thee, and thou seem’st to me truly
the fair knight most faultless that e’er foot set on earth!


Sir Gawain and the Green Knight