Silent Spring

10. How did the gypsy moth come to the United States? How and why did it spread? How did the federal gov. initially respond to the infestation? When did the "all-out chemical war" begin? How did the citizens of Long Island respond to aerial spraying of th

10. How did the gypsy moth come to the United States? How and why did it spread? How did the federal gov. initially respond to the infestation? When did the "all-out chemical war" begin? How did the citizens of Long Island respond to aerial spraying of their neighborhoods? How successful was the gypsy moth eradication campaign? What were the unintended effects?

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From the text:

10) The gypsy moth, a native of Europe, has been in the United States for nearly a hundred years. In 1869 a French scientist, Leopold Trouvelot, accidentally allowed a few of these moths to escape from his laboratory in Medford, Massachusetts..."

The primary agent of its progressive spread is the wind; the larval, or caterpillar, stage is extremely light and can be carried to considerable heights and over great distances. Another means is the shipment of plants carrying the egg masses, the form in which the species exists over winter.

This natural control, plus quarantine measures and local spraying, achieved what the Department in 1955 described as ‘outstanding restriction of distribution and damage’.

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Silent Spring