A Rose For Emily and Other Short Stories

What conflicts are presented in “Barn Burning”? Are any of these conflicts avoidable? Which, if any, are resolved in the story? Explain.

What conflicts are presented in “Barn Burning”? Are any of these conflicts avoidable? Which, if any, are resolved in the story? Explain.

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Our major conflict in the story is the decision that Sarty will have to make about loyalty. Sarty's moral beliefs have been taught to him by society, and they are far different than what his father would have taught or the way in which his father behaved. Regardless, Sarty still feels loyalty to his father and honors their blood ties. In the end, he has to make a decision on what is more important; the moral truths he knows to be right, or the blood ties he shares with his father, who has raised, sheltered, and fed him.