Sheppard Lee Characters

Sheppard Lee Character List

Sheppard Lee - “The Miser’s Children”

Sheppard Lee is the guardian of Abram Skinner’s children. He considers himself a ‘miser’ and an incompetent father.

Alicia - “The Miser’s Children”

She is Sheppard Lee’s adopted daughter whose comportment makes Sheppard Lee to feel like “the jilted lover as the injured father.”

Abbot - “The Miser’s Children” and “The Catastrophe Of A Tragedy Often Performed On The Great Stage Of Life.”

Abbot is the youngest of the children who shows fierceness. Lee explains that a vigilant parent would have managed to tame the ferocity in time. He endeavors to murder Sheppard Lee through suffocation and a weapon.

Ralph - “The Miser’s Children” and “The Fate of the Firstborn”

Ralph is Abbot’s older brother who typifies hypocrisy. His form conceals his excesses remarkably to the degree that one cannot discriminate his drunkenness. In “The Fate of the Firstborn” Ralph perpetrates a felony that entails counterfeits of notes.

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