Seveneves Themes

Seveneves Themes

Apocalypse / Cataclysm

Seveneves is divided into three parts that focus on the imminent threat of a catastrophe, human response, and the aftermath. The narrative delves into the hard science of a catastrophic event that is inevitable as bolides of a shattered Moon threatens the life on Earth. In Part One, the nations and world leaders have to join and support a space-based civilization that will protect a sect of the human population to repopulate the Earth in the future. In the wake of the destruction, most of the human population is obliterated and biodiversity is reduced drastically. In response, the survivors adapt to the disaster as some retreat into underground and underwater shelters. Whereas the space habitats are populated with selected candidates either due to their expertise or qualities.

In Part Three, it is 5000 years later and the efforts made in the first two parts seem to have been successful. However, this future has adapted with millennia of growing space-based civilization and also Earth dwellers who survived the Hard Rain. Thus, the narrative is an exploration of human response regarding survival and the limits of technological and scientific development in the face of an Apocalypse.

Genetic Engineering

The human population and biodiversity are at risk of extinction from Hard Rain and therefore their survival lies in the hands of scientists. As the first response, a Human Genetic Archive is sent into the space habitat Cloud Ark with the purpose of repopulating the human habitats. The subsequent events cause major setbacks to the original plan that was intended due to political instability. Furthermore unforeseen outcomes of space exploration leave the survivors with limited options with genetic engineering as their only arsenal.

The expertise of Moira Crewe in genetic engineering plays a crucial role in the parthenogenesis process and the modification of the offspring. They have to ensure the first generation is all female in order for the second can include both sexes through reconstructing the Y chromosome to initiate natural reproduction henceforth. Furthermore, the Seven Eves have the liberty to choose how their descendants should be genetically engineered. With the prospect of seven distinct races in the future they focus personalized traits, for instance, some choose heroic and leadership qualities while others intelligence and academic prowess.

Civil Disorder and Decentralization

The dissolution of world governments and the introduction of the martial law under the new constitution in Cloud Ark foster conflicting stances. The cataclysm, disintegrating civilization, and the changing political dynamic drive the Spacers and Earthers into a civil disorder with survival for the fittest as the mindset. The opposition root from disagreement in handling the survival tact in space regarding what qualities and expertise are beneficial for the human race in the long run. Political struggle on the space station leads Julia Flaherty to endorse a revolution against ISS and scatter into decentralized swarms.

The two factions that survive the Endurance and the Swarm persist to nurture their beliefs and conflict on ideas. The Arkies in space fall into cannibalism as a means of survival with new dogmas and religion adopted with the blocs. On Earth, there are different factions with their own ideologies too such as Diggers and Pingers. These territorial and political splits persist in the future as the races have chosen to dwell in decentralized governments throughout the orbit.

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