See: Under Love Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

See: Under Love Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Nazi Beast (Symbol of Jewish genocide)

Momik is a young survivor from the Nazi regime whose actions are compared to nothing else but the beast. In the first phase of the book, the author focuses his attention on the history of the holocaust, in which most Hebrews and Jews are murdered. The Nazi propaganda is that every Jew must be eliminated from the face of the earth. Fortunately, Momik and his parents survive this unfortunate ordeal, and they have a story to tell. However, Momik knows that another holocaust might reoccur, so he is prepared.

Bruno Schulz

Bruno Schulz symbolizes guardianship because he is the one who takes Momik on a successful journey of authorship, free of hatred. When Momik becomes an adult, he becomes a writer, and he is interested in writing about the atrocities of the Nazis against the Jews because he is full of hatred. However, his life and focus on writing change for the better. Schulz is an accomplished Polish author who focuses on changing society to think positively and embrace change. Schulz influences Momik’s writing style by taking him into a new world of language which is free of hatred and full of love. With time, Momik forgets about violence, and he starts advocating for peaceful coexistence.

Concentration camps

Concentration camps are a symbol of misery to the Jews. The Nazi regime detains Jews in concentration camps to deny them opportunities and freedom. Making matters worse, most Jews are killed while in the concentration camps. Anshel Wasserman was one of the detainees in the concentration camps, and he went through a lot of suffering. Nazi's try to kill Anshel while in the concentration camp but in vain. However, Anshel suffers at the hands of the Nazis while in the camp, and he represents many Jews who went through torture while in the camps.

Anshel as an emblem of marvelous survival

Anshel is Momik’s grandfather who survived the concentration camp’s harsh conditions to live and tell his story. According to Momik’s narrations, Anshel is a miraculous survivor because the Nazi attempted to kill him severally while in the concentration camps but in vain. Anshel’s stories form the basis of Momik’s writing as he tries to develop his voice in literature.


Momik is the protagonist in the first phase of the story, and he represents a generation of Jewish genocide survivors. The author explores how Momik and other generations of children who came after the second holocaust fit into a society they knew little about. The term 'Nazi Beast' was rampant, and children, including Momik, wanted to know its meaning. However, Momik found stories about the holocaust scary and made him think of revenge.

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