Second Best Imagery

Second Best Imagery

Nature description

In the story, we can see wonderful description of the nature that surrounded the sisters. The country was intensely morning-still. “On the common everything shone beside its shadow, and the hillside gave off heat in silence. The brown turf seemed in a low state of combustion, the leaves of the oaks were scorched brown. Among the blackish foliage in the distance shone the small red and orange of the village”. Through these descriptions, we can feel like we are in this town, like we are even walking on its streets.

Character description

The author also perfectly describes every person of the novel. He opens the true face, the hidden sides of a soul and of honest thoughts. “Tom was of medium stature, energetic in build. His smooth, fair-skinned face was burned red, not brown, by the sun, and this ruddiness enhanced his appearance of good humour and easiness. The reader can imagine his portrait of each character, forming intense mental images while reading this story.

Feelings description

In every situation that happens to the characters, the author skillfully describes the whole specter of emotions a person feels. “She dropped him to the floor. Dazed, the blind creature fumbled round. Frances felt like shrieking. She expected him to dart away in a flash, like a mouse, and there he remained groping; she wanted to cry to him to be gone”. Such writing provokes the reader to feel frank emotions and share the feelings of characters.

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