Sea Rose

Sea Rose Character List

The Sea Rose

The sea rose is positioned in stark contrast to the "wet rose" or the "spice-rose" of romantic mythology, in that unlike the pristine, delicate, fresh qualities of the traditional English Rose, the sea rose is sparse, diminished, and subjected to harsh conditions. The suggestion by H.D. is that the sea rose, as a symbol of tough and resilient femininity, is superior to the traditional rose that has not endured as much or been mixed up in the activity of life. The sea rose as the central image of the poem represents a rebellion against idealized feminine qualities such as purity, innocence, and physical perfection.

The Speaker

The speaker in “Sea Rose” is not only sympathetic to the sea rose, but emerges by the end of the poem as a fierce advocate of the under-appreciated feminine traits that the flower represents. Using the traditional rose's symbolism of femininity, the speaker argues for a new feminine ideal that values substance and character over perfection and purity. The speaker, clearly the voice of H.D., rejects the sexist attribution of value to traditionally "female" traits, which only serves to limit, objectify, and underestimate women.