Save as Many as You Ruin Characters

Save as Many as You Ruin Character List


A handsome, emotionally distant man living in New York City and working at a company's offices. He has an eight-year-old daughter, Lucy, whose mother (Issy) left them to pursue an acting career in Los Angeles and died soon after. His emotions are dull and detached, and he seems to spend life in a reflective, semi-philosophical state, almost as if he were unintrusively watching another person's life.


The only woman Gerard ever loved, Laurel is now forty-three and living alone after her husband left her. She is compassionate and kind, almost the opposite of Gerard's other main partner, Issy. She and Gerard spontaneously after a coincidental run-in one evening, and it is implied that she will likely move in with Gerard and Lucy.


Gerard's eight-year-old daughter. She is tender-hearted, innocent, and devoted, enthusiastic about reading and movies and spending time with her father. Her mother, Issy, abandoned them when she moved out to Los Angeles for her acting career. Lucy is the product of a purely physical, loveless relationship, but Gerard loves her regardless.


Gerard's former lover and mother of Lucy. She was attractive, wild, unpredictable, and perhaps a bit egocentric. After Lucy was born, she left her with Gerard and moved to Los Angeles to pursue her acting career, prioritizing that over any sense of family she might have possessed. Issy died four years after moving to L.A.


Indira is a Barnard student from New Delhi who acts as a nanny for Lucy, cooking dinner every weeknight and helping her with her homework. She doesn't like to stay longer than necessary at the house, although she began to do so gradually since her father died.

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