San Andreas

What is the exposition in San Andreas?


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The film begins with a young woman driving on a cliff side when rocks pummel her car from the above cliff and force her off the road. Ray Gaines, who is with the Los Angeles Fire Department Air Rescue comes in with his team to save her life. They narrowly escape as her car plummets to the rock bed hundreds of feet down.

We learn that Ray and his wife Emma's marriage is failing and they are planning to finalize their divorce. They have a daughter, Blake, who is scheduled to go to San Francisco with her dad. To fill out the characters we are introduced to Dr. Lawrence Hayes who is doing research in order to learn better how to predict earthquakes. He is at the Hoover Dam when a 7.1 magnitude earthquake rips through the area and the damn breaks, killing Hayes' associate. Ray's isn't able to go on his trip with his daughter to San Francisco as he is called in to respond to the earthquake, and Emma's new boyfriend, Daniel takes her. But, the earthquake begins to shift along the entire San Andreas fault line.


San Andreas