Romeo and Juliet

Scene 5

contrasting the relationship between juliet and her nurse juliet and her own mother.

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In looking at these two very different relationships, we can infer that the bond between Juliet and her nurse is far more like that of a mother and daughter, than the relationship she has with Lady Capulet. None-the-less, this idea would definitely be colored by the time in which the play was written. The Capulets were wealthy people, and people of great wealth, both then and today, often employ nurses or caregivers for their children. Children cannot help but build a strong bond with the person who raises them day in and day out. The person who prepares their meals, bathes them, puts them to bed..... a mother's job, but a job that some mothers choose to forego.

Nurse raised Juliet, thus Juliet trusted her.... Juliet confided in her. With her mother, Juliet played obedient daughter. With her nurse, she didn't hold back.


Romeo and Juliet