Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Why does Cassie get into trouble at Strawberry when she went with Stacey, and TJ?

What gets her into trouble in Strawberry?

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Cassie became angry when the shop owner waited on other white customers instead of her. When she objected, the shop owner called her a "nigger." Out side the store she is made by Lillian Jean's father to apologize for bumping into her. This was not Cassie's fault but Mama knows when too pick and choose her battles and makes Cassie apologize.

Cassie became angry when the shop owner waited on other white customers instead of her. When she objected, the shop owner called her a "nigger." Out side the store she is made by Lillian Jean's father to apologize for bumping into her. This was not Cassie's fault but Mama knows when too pick and choose her battles and makes Cassie apologize.