Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

What are all of the plantation owner's names.

I have a report and can't find the answer please help quickly.

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The plantation owners are Harlan Granger, the Montiers, and the Harrisons.

Consisting of four weather-beaten wooden houses on stilts of brick, 320 students, seven teachers, a principal, a caretaker, and the caretaker’s cow, which kept the wide crabgrass lawn sufficiently clipped in spring and summer, the school was located near three plantations, the largest and closest by far being the Granger plantation. Most of the students were from families that sharecropped on Granger land, and the others mainly from Montier and Harrison plantation families.


Taylor, Mildred D.. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Puffin Modern Classics) (Logans Book 4) (pp. 15-16). Penguin Young Readers Group. Kindle Edition.