Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

name two or three main events in the plot, listing them cronologically.

name two or three main events in the plot, listing them cronologically.

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The main events are actually "hidden" in Roll of Thunder, although each atrocity marks a progression of the plot. For example, the burning of the Berry family is told indirectly at the beginning, and marks the first atrocity.

The next marker would be the Logan kids getting splashed by the white school's bus, and digging a ditch to break its axle.

This is quickly followed by the scary "night men" scene, which is also told indirectly.

Uncle Hammer arriving is a turning point for the better, but even here the scene is overshadowed by Morrison's indirect story of his entire family getting killed by a white mob, yet another indirect atrocity.

Probably the next big scene, on which the title is based, is when TJ seeks help for the theft of the gun at Barnett's store.

Finally, the fire in the cotton field serves as a the final main event of the novel, since it forces the whites and blacks to work together for the first time.

1. The Berry's burning sort of started the big show down between the mixed communities

2. The school bus and Stacey's revenge

3.Uncle Hammer's appearance

4. The "showdown" in Strawberry

5. T.J 's unofficial last stand
